Family support
We offer emotional and practical support, information and advice for parents of the children we care for.Our Family Support team offer emotional and practical support, information and advice as needed – either in Helen House or at home – for parents of children who are known to Helen House. This service can include signposting, advocacy, moral support or simply being a listening ear.
Our team help to promote resilience and independence by building on family strengths. Each child and family are approached individually, with a plan of care created to meet your needs.
Family support workers may also refer to other members of the team if required.
Family support is available can be provided through individual sessions, couples support and through coffee sessions for parents.
If the level of mental health support you or a family member requires is more than we can offer, we will work with you and your GP to refer/signpost you to appropriate services.
We provide family support in several ways – either face-to-face, online or via the phone, including:
- Individual sessions for a parent
- Couples’ support
- Coffee sessions for parents
What we can offer

Social workers
Social workers support with practical issues, such as housing, finance and benefits, education and support of the whole family.

Complementary Therapy
We’re able to offer complementary therapy through volunteers who offer their services. We currently have complementary therapy in-house, with plans to extend this. If you are interested in receiving complimentary therapy please contact us using the details below.

Sibling support
Sibling support helps siblings to understand what is happening and give them the chance to socialise with others going through something similar. This can include one-to-one work in school or at home, or group outings to local places that young people enjoy.

Youth and Transition
Youth and Transition workers support young people with their lives – enabling them to be the best they can be, encouraging them to gain confidence and help increase their independence and self-esteem. They also support young people and their families to prepare for the transition from children’s services into adult services.

- Helen & Douglas House are committed to safeguarding. Policies and procedures are reviewed regularly.
- All staff and volunteers are checked by the disclosure and barring service.
- Staff and volunteers have mandatory training.
- Safeguarding is discussed at every level from one to ones to board meetings.
- We work in partnership with local statutory agencies to ensure children are safe from harm and families are supported.
We commit to treating you and your family with compassion and empathy. We do not shy away from challenging situations and difficult decisions. We expect our staff to be treated with kindness and respect too.

Family support agreement
Please find details of our support agreement on the link below:

Contact us
If you’d like to access family support, and your child is known to our service, please contact our Community and Family Support Services team on 01865 794749, or email [email protected].