A secret sensory wonderland
Helen & House children’s hospice is located in the heart of Oxford, but we are very fortunate to have outside space so we can spread our care and support into the outdoors. Our hospice opens out into our garden that offers a variety of sensory experiences, as well as being a tranquil and calming place for children and families. It serves many purposes from a space to bake, to a place to play, to an environment to make memories together. It is also a safe space for families to sit in and have some quiet time.

How we embrace the outdoors
We have an holistic approach to the care we provide and our garden enhances this, offering sights, sounds, textures, tastes, and aromas that come together and can be utilised in a variety of ways:
- For children with limited senses, such as visual impairments or limited movement, the garden’s sensory experiences become even more crucial. The garden stimulates their other senses, bringing joy and animation to their lives when they need it most. Every rustling leaf, sweet smelling flower, or the song of a bird becomes an opportunity for delight and engagement.
- For families, it can be a space they can all get together, be it to make some memories, or to spend their final moments in a calming space.
- For siblings, it can be a place to play in whilst their brother or sister is cared for just a short distance away in their room.
- For families who are facing bereavement, or are recently bereaved, it can become their quiet space for reflection.

A place to enhance the senses
During a stay at the hospice, the care team quite often take the children out in to the garden. They might just be making the most of being outdoors, on an accessible wheelchair friendly pathway, or they might be picking flowers to enjoy the aroma’s. Or, on occasion, we have held events outside, such as our own Helenbury Festival during Glastonbury week!
Children can enjoy the garden, inhale its calming scent, and feel the sensation of grass beneath their feet. The garden is also often alive with sounds, from the gentle rustle of leaves to the melodic chirping of birds, all contributing to a rich sound experience.
As Hannah Jones from our care team beautifully puts it, “You can always tell when a child likes a sensory experience. When they have limits on one of their senses, it often heightens the other senses.”

A calming space
Our garden is not just a playground for the senses; it is also a sanctuary of peace and reflection for parents. Daily life for many of the families we support can become hectic, especially when caring for a child with increased needs, so finding a moment of tranquility can be challenging. Our garden can provide them with a place that they can sit, either alone or with family, and to unwind and reflect.
The hospice garden at Helen & Douglas House is more than just an outdoor space; it is a vital part of our holistic approach to care. It enriches the lives of children and their families by providing sensory stimulation, individual attention, and special moments of tranquillity. Through the simple pleasures found in our garden, we create magical moments of joy and peace.

The history of our Garden
In 2021, our garden was refurbished. Some parts of the old garden had originated from 1982 when we first opened, and although some sections had been updated, the majority needed to be redesigned. The project was led by a local company, but supported by volunteers and donations.
In 2022 we updated our play train, which is located in the garden. It had become an unusable space, but was refurbished with the help of local company Taylor Wimpey, and then re-opened as the garden room. It is now an extension of the garden and a great space for families to get together away from the main hospice space. Read more about here.

What our families think of the outside space
Michaela, mum to Finley who died last year, said that he loved the hospice garden. ‘What Finley liked best was the sandpit. As a parent, it became much easier to push his wheelchair around the garden and it was a much brighter and spacious space. It definately felt more user friendly. The new wheelchair swing was also amazing!’
Our hospice garden is more than just an outdoor space; it is a vital part of our service and our holistic approach to care. It is managed by a team of volunteer gardeners, who make sure it is looking in great condition all year around.
The garden is a special place for music therapy, for baking, for memories, for reflection, for remembrance. A place to spend time with colleagues, family members, friends and animals. Through the simple pleasures found in our garden, we can help to create magical moments of joy and peace for those we care for and support.