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Did you know an average gift can pay for 200 hours of bereavement service to help families cope with the loss of their child? When a child is diagnosed with a life-limiting or terminal condition, families face immense emotional and physical challenges. Your kindness ensures that we can be there for them, offering the care and support they need, whenever and wherever they need it most.

As a charity, we rely almost entirely on donations. By leaving a gift in your Will, you can make a lasting impact on the families we support. We provide 24-hour medical care and emotional and practical guidance, offering comfort in the darkest of times. Together, we help families make precious memories during the final years, weeks, or days they have together.

Hear from Janet…

Discover why Janet, chose to leave a gift in her Will to Helen & Douglas House, and learn more about her inspiring story and the simple process of making this meaningful gesture.


After my divorce, I needed to update my Will. As a supporter of the charity and having worked for Helen & Douglas House, I was aware of their free Will-writing service, which I decided to use for two reasons. Firstly, it was free, saving me the cost of hiring a solicitor. Secondly, I wanted to leave a gift to the charity. I had been deeply inspired by the incredible work I witnessed during visits to the hospice and through their fundraising events. By leaving a gift in my Will, I could contribute to their mission without needing to make a financial donation immediately.

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Eleven years ago, I visited Helen & Douglas House and met Nathan, a little boy who was posing for photos with two boys from Radley College. These boys were cycling from Bicester to Bilbao to raise funds for the hospice. Nathan, despite his life-shortening condition, radiated joy. He was enjoying sitting on their bicycles, playing the drums, and cuddling baby alpacas.

The hospice is a place of laughter and warmth, even for families navigating incredibly challenging times. Learning about the boys’ cycling challenge inspired me to undertake my own: a London-to-Paris cycle ride in 2021 with four friends.

I returned to the hospice after the ride and met Nathan again. Though his mobility had worsened, he remained the same happy, engaging boy. Watching him sing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ during a music session moved me to tears. Nathan’s spirit motivated me during the toughest parts of my ride, cycling up to 90 miles a day. It also inspired me to leave a legacy gift in my Will, ensuring Helen & Douglas House can continue to support children like Nathan.

Chris hiking up a mountain in the snow

The process of writing a Will

The free Will-writing service provided by Helen & Douglas House was straightforward and user-friendly. It guided me step-by-step, helping me consider aspects I hadn’t thought about before. You can choose to leave a lump sum, as I did, or a percentage of your estate. The amount is entirely up to you.

After filling out the form with my preferences, they reviewed it, emailed the finalised document, and provided clear instructions for signing and witnessing it. The process was quick and easy. I was very impressed.

Addressing misconceptions

Initially, I thought writing a Will required a solicitor. However, thanks to Helen & Douglas House’s free service, this wasn’t necessary.

Feeling part of a community

It feels good to be part of a community of people leaving gifts in their Wills as it is such a great way to donate more to a local charity after you have died than you would have been able to during your lifetime.

For those considering leaving a gift in their Will

I would say that it is a great thing to do enabling you to give more money to a charity you support beyond your lifetime as a legacy to help secure the charity’s future.

Leaving a lasting legacy

I hope my gift Will help Helen & Douglas House continue to provide the vital care and support for families facing the unimaginable – the premature death of their child. Knowing Helen & Douglas House will be there for these local families for many years in the future through my gift is a great feeling

What legacy will you leave behind?

If Janet’s story has inspired you, consider leaving a gift in your Will to Helen & Douglas House. Start the process today by clicking the link below. 
